If you have experienced an issue when paying by card, it may be because you didn't enter the security code (CVV) correctly. It may also be because your bank or credit card does not meet the security requirements of our payment platform. In this case, we recommend you contact your bank to confirm the online use of your credit cards.
To avoid incidents during the payment, we recommend to make sure that personal data (name, last name, billing and shipping address) does not include accents or accented letters (ñ, ç, ä), or special letters (ß, Ø), as their use may lead to issues with the payment platform.
Tabby: If payment for an order is not completed promptly or if it remains idle for too long, Tabby will automatically cancel the order. In such cases, you will need to place the order again. Please ensure timely payment to avoid this inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.